What Makes Us Green?
There is an increasing need and pressure for companies in the UK and around the world to reduce their carbon footprint in a bid to mitigate the damage done by the industry. For this reason, and the fact that we genuinely care about nature and the environment, we decided to reduce our carbon footprint – which was a very difficult task as vehicles are constantly emitting fumes into the environment. At EcoSpeed, we felt that this should be done on a local level. Investing in the environment surrounding our own towns and cities made a lot more sense to us, and for this reason we partnered with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust up until the end of 2021.
We are very proud to have been partnered with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust for these 10 years as they are one of the UK’s leading conservation charities, who worked hard with us to deliver our targets. We decided that each month 10% of our profit goes to them so that they can invest it in various North West based carbon offsetting projects.
View our environmental policy.
Read more: Our Carbon Neutral Goal
We are now a fully Certified Carbon Neutral Business

As of the 1st January 2022 we have become fully carbon neutral, something we have been working towards for a very long time and something we are immensely proud of. We are now partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain, who are delivering our long term goal of counter-acting our vehicle emissions,and becoming carbon neutral.
We do this by recording emission data for each individual consignment, then compiling this data for the whole business for a quarter. We then present this data to Carbon Neutral Britain who tell us how much we need to invest in certain carbon offsetting projects. Current projects include Hydro Power in the Andes Mountains of Chile, Rice Husk Power projects in Cambodia and Burgos Wind Farms in the Philippines. If you and your business require any carbon emission data for your consignments, then we are now in a position to give you a full report for any given time frame, so please ask one of our booking agents who will be happy to assist you.
Certificates & Accolades

Online Quotation
Please complete the form below to get a free quotation from us. If you have any questions or have an urgent enquiry then please call us on 0845 021 0213.